Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blog 9

 To me the most compelling insight I have about networks/media is that it is a useful tool. Without the networks we would pretty much  be into encyclopedias getting our information, but that would take longer for research. While on the other hand we can get information from the internet in just seconds for a research paper. It has become so useful that without it we would be meaningless.
 I also get to thinking that in the future technology is going to be so advanced that it is going to do pretty much everything for us.  For example: it will write for us.  So, what are teachers going to be teaching to the students in the future?
 It is just scary to me to think what kind of technology will be coming out for other future generations. So, I wonder if the new advanced technology will be hard for us to use that our children will call us slow. Just like what we call the older generations today because of their lack of skills to technology.

1 comment:

  1. That's true. When you say that when we let our computers do things, we become nothing... We are not doing anything to liven up our brain anymore. Instead of looking at library books for researching, we go automactially to the computer first. Even the dictionary was online too.
    But think about this: even when we let our computers do our thinking, there are other technologies that actually saves lives like for an example visual 911 for the deaf eldery and the "safest car" that actually brakes when it gets close to another car.
    My question is this: are you afraid of technologies such as this to take over the earth? Or even your life?
