Monday, October 25, 2010


Collaboration to me is working as a team with other people to help solve a problem, create ideas. Sometimes it is hard for only one person to do all the thinking. Getting different ideas from other people can help find more solutions. Everyone has different ideas, because we all think different. Imagine, if we all thought about the same ideas, this world would never have the progess we have today with tecnology. That is why collaboration has played a big role in networing media because a variety of people has come up with different ideas on how to socialize with each other through the internet. An individual just didn't come up with this idea. It all took collaboration of a team.

1 comment:

  1. That's true that it takes a team to work on a large project. All except for one: it took just one man to create Facebook and it made him millionaire. Collaboration is a part of our thinking and acting on what's expected of us. We are just used to let others think for us instead of doing the thinking part for ourselves. In the networking, it is a huge progress when all people involved work toward a common goal.
    My question is this: if we all think differentally, how can we work toward same things/goals? There are bound to have some problems bumps somewhere there.
