Monday, September 6, 2010

The effect that social media and convergent media had on the reporting of the BP oil spill that workers there could have been recording it on their cellphones and posting it on the internet before the news was able to get it out to the public. People could of seen it first on the internet than television. Also workers could have been texting it to family and friends and that way the news spread even quickers. Reporters probably took longer to get to the spot to be able to actually cast the spill live. Now with digital media news is easy to get around. Like Shirky said the internet is a good way of filtering news all over the world.


  1. That's true that the BP workers are telling their families and friends about the oil spill, but then when the new medias kept on reporting on the dpill, they began to regret doing it in the first place. Place yourself in their shoes and places and try to act as if you were there at the spill. Will you go and tell everybody you know? or will you go to the news first and blab on the spill? What do you think?

  2. Do you believe that this is a good thing for the world? moreover how do you feel it effected BP. I agree with you about people seeing stuff on the internet way before television. I would like to know what Kinds of media people use from the internet as a source or news and do you believe that they are reliable.
